Tuesday, June 30, 2009

7 Weeks

Logan has been changing so much. He has been busy checking out the things around him and trying to get control of his arms. I think he may have seen his hands the other day and realized that he can control where they go! It was pretty funny. He stretched and raised his arms out and just left them there while he stared at them for a couple minutes. Then all of a sudden he moved them and smiled! He got a pretty funny look on his face. It was definily one of those times I wish I knew what he was thinking!

Anyway- here are some pictures from this week. Over the weekend Tami was holding Logan and he started smiling...another fun trick he's been working on. Mom took the pictures and missed the smile in the first one (but he was on his way to a frown which always follows right after a big smile) but got it big time on the second!

Logan got a bath one night and we must have had the water a little cold cuz he sure snuggled up in his towel after he was done. Mom got a little nervous for these...he was laying there in his towel with no diaper on on her bed! I told her I hoped she got the pictures quick before he decided to be a boy and do anything silly! Luckily we made it!

We're planning to spend the weekend at the lake for the 4th. I'm sure there will be some new adventures there so check back for more pics!
Love you all!

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