Monday, January 19, 2009

Baby at 24 weeks

I was back to the doctor today for my 24 week check up and another ultra sound. The baby was a lot more cooperative today. It was moving around while they were doing the ultra sound! We were able to get a couple profile pictures and see the was working hard!!! The profile pictures show the cute little face and the hand up by the forehead. If I didn't know any better I'd think the baby was making a funny face at us!!! The baby even kicked the doctor when she tried to listen to the heart beat! It is so much fun to feel the baby moving. Chris got to feel it the other night for the first time and I think it creeped him out a little bit! He put his head on my tummy to see if he could hear the baby move and it kicked him in the head!!! I laughed...just a little bit! So, anyways- enjoy the latest pictures!!!

The dark mark in the chest is actually the heart.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

First pictures

We were in for our first ultrasound on Christmas Eve. It was pretty exciting, although the baby didn't think so! We were in the ultrasound room for a good 45 minutes and the baby mooned us the entire time!!! No question that it takes after its father! The ultrasound tech tried her hardest to get the baby to rollover but it just wasn't going to cooperate! I guess they can be just as stubborn inside as they are outside!!! I go back in on Jan. 19th and they want to try it again and see if the baby is facing the right way! The first picture is of the skull (kind of creepy looking) and the second had a cute little foot sticking out!

Igloo making, garage fun, and bald heads...

Happy New Year!
Ours was pretty low key. The boys (Chris, Boob and Adam) worked hard on their igloo...Isaac and Ashlee came out to supervise...Isaac thought it should have been bigger!!! Hunter even made is way inside! I decided it probably wasn't a good idea for me to try to crawl in on my I stayed safely (albeit cold) outside the door and took pictures!!!

The Incredible Haulk...I mean Isaac...

Isaac couldn't believe they did all the digging with this tiny shovel!Make some room for Hunter...
Bubba heading in...
Ashlee wasn't so sure but wanted to check it out...

When we were successfully frozen we moved into the garage for bean bags, darts, and chex mix...Bubba had fun putting the chex mix on his fingers and making them come to life.

I'm not sure where the next pictures came from...apparently the boys were comparing the baldness(??) of their heads...need i say more!
If you ask me, Adam's head is probably the warmest!!!
Thanks for the fun night!
Have a save and happy 2009!!!

We had a great night with friends. What better way to ring in the new year! Happy 2009!